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Speech therapy

  • speech therapy

In speech therapy, we study and rehabilitate disorders of interaction, communication, speech, language, voice, eating and swallowing in people of all ages.

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Our speech therapists work in different wards and outpatient clinics in hospitals. A speech therapist’s assessment requires a referral from a physician.

In a speech therapy assessment, we determine the quality and severity of your disorder with various tests, interviews, observations and, if necessary, imaging studies.

We work as part of a multiprofessional working group and are involved in drawing up rehabilitation plans and recommendations based on the examinations carried out. If necessary, we make assessments and recommendations to obtain various communication tools.

In certain units, we also offer speech therapy rehabilitation, which aims to strengthen your ability to function and communicate.


Speech therapists, Park Hospital

In the speech therapy of the Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Center HUSUKE at Park Hospital, we carry out speech evaluations associated with cleft lips and…


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