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  • labor
  • pregnancy
  • Women’s Hospital

Labor starts with contractions or the rupture of fetal membranes, i.e. the waters breaking. Always call the childbirth helpline before leaving for the hospital to give birth.

Kuvituskuva: äiti synnyttämässä vesialtaassa, mukana tukihenkilö ja kätilö

You should come to the hospital when contractions come regularly less than ten minutes apart, last for approximately a minute, and feel so intense and painful that you are only able to focus on the contraction. Before the start of actual labor, contractions have usually already lasted for several hours. If you are exhausted by irregular premonitory pains or they prevent your rest, or you need tips on how to treat contraction pain at home, please call the hospital for advice. You can also call if you are unsure about whether labor has begun.  

If you suspect that your waters have broken, place a sanitary pad and monitor the situation. If the fetal membranes have ruptured, amniotic fluid will leak into the pad. After the waters have broken, you can often still wait at home for contractions to begin. However, please call the hospital first to get instructions from the midwife. For the majority of mothers, labor will start within 24 hours of the time when the waters have broken, but you should come to hospital earlier than this.

Before you arrive at the hospital, please fill out the form Thoughts about the Coming Delivery and print it out for taking with you. 

What to bring to hospital?

The labor process

Kuvituskuva: Synnyttäjä synnytyssalissa joogaliinan kanssa, kätilö ja tukihenkilö


Kuvituskuva: vastasyntynyt vauva

Further information


Gynecology and Obstetrics Inpatient Ward, Hyvinkää Hospital

In the Gynecology and Obstetrics Inpatient Ward at Hyvinkää Hospital, we treat gynecological patients, pregnant patients, and postpartum families.

Appointments for postpartum women, Jorvi Hospital

At the Jorvi Hospital appointments for those who have given birth, we provide advice and guidance to the families with newborns. We also make midwife's…

Appointments for postpartum women, Women's Hospital

At the appointment for those who have given birth at Women's Hospital, we provide advice and guidance to the families with newborns. We also make midwife's…


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