Treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
We will start treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia when generally accepted criteria for initiation of treatment are met. These criteria include worsening anemia or platelet deficiency, a rapid increase in the number of lymphocytes in the blood, general symptoms (weight loss, night sweats or temperature without infection), and symptoms caused by enlarged lymph nodes or spleen.
We will select the treatment that is right for you as an individual, taking into account the peculiarities of the disease, and the adverse effects and contraindications of various treatments. Your treatment is based on the treatment guidelines of the Finnish Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia group. When planning treatment, we listen to your views and your possibilities in committing to the treatments selected. If there is no hurry in starting your treatment, we will also review the selected treatment options in the chronic lymphocytic leukemia tumor group at HUS hematology.
Drug therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
In the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, we use different combinations of two or three drugs. We give medication in the form of infusions or self-administered tablets. We administer some of the medication treatments in four-week cycles and some of the treatments are continuous. As supportive care, we often provide anti-infection medication. Sometimes when starting medication, you may need to spend a short period of time on an inpatient ward for follow-up.
Before starting treatment, we will arrange a counseling visit for you to see a nurse at the outpatient clinic. During your visit, you will receive further information and instructions on the medication used in your treatment.