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  • pregnancy
  • abortions

If you wish to terminate your pregnancy, just get in contact with your local gynecological outpatient clinic. Patients in Vantaa and Kerava should consult their local family planning clinic (ehkäisyneuvola).

Kuvituskuva: tuntematon naispotilas ja lääkäri vastaanotolla

If you are less than 12 weeks pregnant, you can just ask for an abortion. In the case of more advanced pregnancies, permission for termination needs to be sought from the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). Help for filling out the necessary paperwork is available from your local health center, private doctor or gynecological outpatient clinic. The abortion can go ahead as soon as permission has been given.

Abortion services are provided by gynecological outpatient clinics. Contact information can be found at the bottom of the page. If you have not yet made up your mind and would like to talk to someone, you can contact your local health center.

Patients in Vantaa and Kerava should consult their local family planning clinic (

What happens in an abortion?

When you first call abortion services, the receptionist will ask you to estimate the length of your pregnancy and give you information about the termination process and advice about contraception. The process will be discussed in more detail at your appointment, where the exact length of your pregnancy will be determined by means of an ultrasound and a decision will be made about the method of termination and your choice of contraception going forward.

If you are less than 12 weeks pregnant, you will have a choice between medical and surgical abortion. More advanced pregnancies are usually terminated by means of medical abortion. Medical abortion is used in up to 98% cases these days. If we decide to use vacuum aspiration to terminate your pregnancy, the procedure will be performed in an operating room or in day surgery under general anesthesia.

If you qualify for a medical abortion and there are no particular health concerns, you will be given the medicines at your appointment and sent home. There are generally no obstacles to performing a medical abortion at home if you are less than 10 weeks pregnant and otherwise healthy.

If surgical abortion is chosen as the method of termination, the time of your procedure will be agreed at your appointment and you will be told whether you need to stay in hospital overnight. A pregnancy test will be checked to make sure that the pregnancy has ended. More detailed instructions will be provided by the unit treating you.

Post-abortion counselling is available from, for example, the hospital chaplain or your local health center.

Contact information for abortion services:

Gynecological Outpatient Clinic, Helsinki

tel. 09 4716 5300
We have a callback system. 

Gynecological Outpatient Clinic, Lohja Hospital

tel. 019 380 1417
We have a callback system. 

Gynecological Outpatient Clinic, Hyvinkää Hospital

tel. 019 4587 2341
We have a callback system. 

Gynecological Outpatient Clinic, Porvoo Hospital

tel. 019 548 3105
We have a callback system. 

Gynecology Outpatient Clinic, Raseborg Hospital

tel. 019 224 2830
We have a callback system. 


Patients in Vantaa and Kerava should consult their local family planning clinic, ( which also provides abortion services.


Gynecological Outpatient Clinic, Porvoo Hospital

In the Gynecological Outpatient Clinic of Women's Hospital, we treat various gynecological diseases, such as menstrual disturbances, gynecological pains…

Gynecological Outpatient Clinic, Lohja Hospital

At the Gynecological Outpatient Clinic of Lohja Hospital, we carry out gynecological examinations, such as hysteroscopies, colposcopies, and…

Gynecological Outpatient Clinic, Hyvinkää Hospital

At the Gynecological Outpatient Clinic at Hyvinkää Hospital, we do hysteroscopies, urinary incontinence surgeries, balloon thermal endometrial ablations…

Gynecological Outpatient Clinic, Helsinki

The Helsinki Gynecological Outpatient Clinic offers general gynecology appointments and colposcopies. We also perform abortions and conduct hysteroscopies…


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