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Dialysis Unit, Porvoo Hospital

  • Porvoo Hospital
  • dialysis
  • kidneys

In the Dialysis Unit at Porvoo Hospital, we treat patients with renal insufficiency requiring hemodialysis.

Opetushoitajat katsovat toisiinsa hymyillen

The patients are systematically referred to us from other dialysis and healthcare units as the chronic renal failure progresses to the dialysis phase or an acute renal disease has been prolonged. In the Dialysis Unit, we cooperate in an extensive and multidisciplinary manner with the patient and their family members to implement individual care of a good quality.

The principles of our operations include supporting independence so that the patient participates in the implementation of their own care as much as possible.

Patients requiring dialysis treatments during their holidays are treated at the dialysis units of Hyvinkää, Lohja and Porvoo hospitals, where possible. In the Helsinki metropolitan area, dialysis during a patient’s holidays is provided by the NephroCare Pitäjänmäki dialysis unit.

Our unit is open from Monday to Saturday.


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