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Maternity wards N6C and N6E, Espoo Hospital

  • labor
  • Espoo Hospital

Changes at maternity wards in summer 2024

From June 17 to September 8, 2024, the Maternity Ward N6B has family rooms and two person rooms.
The family rooms are given according to care needs, primarily to first-timers. You cannot reserve a family room in advance. If the ward becomes full, the family room may have to be turned into a two person room during your stay.

Postpartum appointments have moved from Jorvi Hospital to Espoo Hospital for the summer.

On Espoo Hospital maternity ward, we treat women who have given birth and newborns after childbirth. We also provide guidance on caring for the baby, breastfeeding, and the mother’s recovery.

After childbirth, you will be transferred to the maternity ward. In Espoo, women who have given birth will be provided a bed either in Espoo Hospital or Jorvi Hospital, on a maternity ward.

In Espoo Hospital, all patient rooms are single rooms; so-called family rooms. A birth partner or support person can stay with you in the family room. Jorvi Hospital has seven family rooms and one three-bed room. The three-bed room is generally for mothers who are in good health and can be discharged quickly and those who are not first-time mothers. In both hospitals, we offer the families treatment and guidance on caring for the baby, breastfeeding, and the mother's recovery in accordance with the family's needs.

Our ward also houses postnatal appointments. In addition, we conduct house calls to families in the capital region. These appointments and house calls are arranged only for some families as needed.

We are committed to the Baby-Friendly Initiative of WHO and UNICEF.


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