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News Published on 24.6.2024, 14:27

Porvoo Hospital main entrance will reopen on July 15

The extensive air duct renovation in Porvoo Hospital's main lobby will be completed in late June. The main entrance and lobby will open again on Monday, July 15, 2024.

Porvoon sairaalan pääovi

The temporary arrangements that have been in place for about four months will be over once the air duct renovation in the main lobby is completed. The construction work will be completed in late June, after which the premises will be cleaned, and the services housed in temporary locations will move back.

As the main entrance opens, also the renovated main lobby on the third floor, the info desk, and self-registration kiosk for patients will be back in use. Entrance to the laboratory will again take place via the main lobby.

The café will move back to the main lobby by July 26. Until then, the café will continue to operate on the 1st floor, and the main lobby will have signs to guide visitors there.

The renovation improves indoor air, energy efficiency, and lightning

The renovation included installing new ventilation system to the main lobby and the adjacent rooms, and removing harmful substances, such as asbestos, from the structures. With the new ventilation system, the indoor air quality will improve. The new ventilation system is also more energy-efficient because it recovers heat from the exhaust air.

The lights in the main lobby were replaced with energy-efficient LED lights. The new lightning also makes the main lobby cozier and the entirely new ceiling makes the lobby more fresh.

The air duct renovation in Porvoo Hospital will continue in the same building section on floors K, 1, and 2 in the fall.

All building projects in HUS emphasize sustainable construction.


Porvoo Hospital's main entrance will open again on Monday, July 15, 2024.
Porvoo Hospital's main entrance will open again on Monday, July 15, 2024.


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