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Press release Published on 1.10.2024, 15:30

HUS’s group home for persons living on ventilators to be closed next year

  • hus sydän- ja keuhkokeskus
  • hengityshalvaus
  • hengityslaitehoito

HUS can no longer continue the operation of its group home located in Rekola, Vantaa because it cannot organize or provide social welfare services.

Hengityshalvauspotilaiden ryhmäkoti Vantaan Rekolassa

HUS can no longer continue the operation of its group home located in Rekola, Vantaa because it cannot organize or provide social welfare services.

With the renewal of the Disability Services Act, the responsibility for organizing the services of persons living on ventilators will be transferred from healthcare to social welfare on 1 January 2025. However, HUS will be responsible for the specialized healthcare of persons living on ventilators also in future. 

The Act on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare has a transitional provision that applies to respiratory paralysis patients receiving services in the current service system. According to this provision, the patient can during a transition period of three years choose the time point for transferring from one service system to another. Patients must transfer to the service system within the scope of the new Act on 1 January 2028 at the latest. 

Changes to staff’s job descriptions and tasks

HUS wants to ensure that the transition of patient living on ventilators from one service system to another will take place as smoothly as possible and with respect to the patient’s right to choose. Because it is not possible for HUS to continue operation in the Rekola group home, it will ensure in cooperation with the patients and social welfare that the continuation of care will be secured. 

For the staff working in the group home, the discontinuation of the operation will mean changes to their job descriptions and tasks. Cooperation negotiations will be held with the staff and an active dialogue will be conducted with them about the changing situation. 

The aim of legislation on disability services has been to strengthen the right to self-determination and the status of persons living on ventilators in relation to other people with disabilities. The residents of the Rekola group home have themselves chosen this form of housing. HUS will take into consideration the patient’s wishes in the housing arrangements. Negotiations with regard to this will continue with the parties responsible for the residents’ social services. 

The staff and residents have been informed about the change in the situation.  


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