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Intensive Outpatient Care Unit, Matinkylä

  • adolescent psychiatry

Our Matinkylä Intensive Outpatient Care Unit is an adolescent psychiatry outpatient unit in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

The Intensive Outpatient Care Unit supports your other adolescent psychiatric treatment. Your referring physician will also be your personal physician during the intensive outpatient care period. We will plan your treatment period together with you and your physician.

Our intensive outpatient care consists of enhanced treatment as outpatient care. Your treatment with us includes individual and group meetings on a daily basis. Meetings with your family and other network can be arranged as needed. Your course of treatment requires you and your family to stay motivated. Your goals for the period of enhanced treatment play an important role in the care. Your goals will also be recorded on your referral sent to us.

Our unit has six beds and the adolescents are in our unit from Monday to Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. During your treatment period, you will not be able to attend school. Meals are included in your treatment period. You can have breakfast and a snack in our unit and lunch is arranged at a nearby lunch restaurant. Our treatment and examination periods are usually two weeks in duration.


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