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Contact information


Hospital swichboards

Helsinki Metropolitan Area Hospitals tel. 09 4711
Hyvinkää Hospital tel. 019 45871
Ohkola Hospital tel. 09 27161
Lohja Hospital tel. 019 38011
Raseborg Hospital tel. 019 2241
Porvoo Hospital tel. 019 54821

HUS swichboard tel. 09 4711
All contact information for hospitals and other units

Person search

Here you can find contact information for individual staff members. You can search by name or filter by group. Please note that this listing doesn't include all staff members.
Click here to person search

Laboratory booking and customer service

You can easily book an appointment online or by phone. We also have a live chat. We are happy to help you prepare for laboratory testing and to answer any questions you may have about examinations. We can also help you select the most convenient laboratory for you.
Contact information to Laboratory booking and customer service

Give feedback

You can give us feedback on both your treatment and our activities in general. Your feedback is important to us as it helps us develop our services.
Give us feedback


Maisa is an online patient service for healthcare. In the Maisa portal, you can review your appointments, communicate with a professional, review your examination results, and read summaries of your appointments.


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Thank you for your feedback!

Write your feedback on the website here.

Do not enter your personal information here. Please note that we do not respond to feedback sent via this form. Please visit our feedback site to give feedback on matters other than our website.

Write your feedback on the website here.

Do not enter your personal information here. Please note that we do not respond to feedback sent via this form. Please visit our feedback site to give feedback on matters other than our website.