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HUS year 2023: Wellbeing at work

At HUS, we help employees cope and support their wellbeing at work in many ways. In 2023, we invested especially in a positive employee experience. We supplement the wellbeing at work program with an annual action plan for wellbeing at work and for occupational safety and health. The plan considers the perspectives of the individual, the workplace community and the working environment.

Management of working capacity is part of the day-to-day leadership duties of our supervisors.

Through proactive measures and early intervention, we were able to prevent prolonged absences due to illness and to improve personnel wellbeing.  

We redesigned the wellbeing at work package on our Intranet. Our goal was to make it quicker and easier for employees and supervisors to find the information they need.  

Employee wellbeing  

Defusing progressed from plan to practice

In 2023, we introduced the defusing process. During the year, we organized a total of 350 defusing events, involving 1,600 persons from various occupational groups. We have more than 300 trained defusing instructors representing various occupational groups.  

The purpose of defusing is to talk through stressful and demanding experiences immediately after an unpleasant or unexpected occurrence. Defusing helps cope with traumatic situations and prevents eventual subsequent harmful stress loads. We received good feedback on these events.

Fewer absences due to illness

A turn for the better was observed in absences due to illness. In 2023, absences due to illness decreased by more than 3 days per person. Musculoskeletal disorders constituted the largest group of reasons for such absences, followed by mental health issues.  

The direct costs of illness absences were 3.18% of total payroll. The costs were the lowest in comparison with wellbeing services counties.

The number of persons retiring on a full disability pension increased, but the percentage of disability pension contributions continued to decrease and remains below average.  

Support for everyday wellbeing

We surveyed personnel wellbeing with a wellbeing questionnaire. The results show that our personnel actively engage in endurance exercise and commuting exercise. The survey provided valuable information for supporting wellbeing in everyday life.  

We also provided personnel with fitness testing, coaching and online courses in various topics, including commuting exercise, nutrition, non-medical treatment for insomnia, mental wellbeing and active daily life.

A smoothly running workplace community

We assessed risks and ensured comprehensive orientation

We actively address risk factors for wellbeing at work and plan ahead for risk prevention measures. We also monitor the realization and effectiveness of the measures.  Supervisors ensure that risk assessments are up to date.  

In the orientation of new employees, we cover wellbeing at work and occupational safety and health extensively. Supervisors and orientation coordinators support new employees during and after the orientation period.  

Active training and campaigning on current topics

We support wellbeing at work and occupational safety and health through campaigns and active personnel training. In 2023, we gave supervisors and employees training in wellbeing at work, in management of working capacity and in occupational safety and health. Training focus has shifted from classroom training to online training and webinars. We also published an online course titled ‘How to manage working capacity’, a comprehensive training package for management of working capacity.  

Safe workplace environment  

Towards World Class – Level II in workplace accident rate  

We investigate all deviations in occupational safety as per instructions and rectify any deficiencies and anomalies observed. 

We have reduced the incidence of occupational accidents through long-term occupational safety efforts and are approaching the ‘zero accidents’ goal. For the fifth year running, HUS received the Level II – Towards World Class ranking of the Vision Zero Forum of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.

Clarifying the blood exposure accident procedure

We introduced an online referral service for zero samples of victims of blood exposure accidents (blood exposure accident bot). This was to ensure that test results for samples from a victim of a blood exposure accident are transferred to occupational health care and the required measures are taken without delay.  


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