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HUS year 2023: Supervisors and leadership

In spring 2023, we introduced a new employee survey. Its content is designed to support the management and development of the employee experience at all levels of the organization.

Job satisfaction, good atmosphere and supervisor work are strengths

Based on the results, the obvious strengths in our employee experience are job satisfaction, a good workplace atmosphere and supervisor work. Points for improvement include the planned development of our operating culture and operations.  

We have been regularly assessing personnel satisfaction with leadership in the Leadership Pulse survey since 2021. The long-term efforts we have put into improving leadership skills can be seen reflected in the results. The survey scores have improved continuously; in 2023, 80% of respondents were satisfied with the leadership provided by their immediate supervisor. The response rate in the Leadership Pulse was 41%. The respondents feel that leadership is fair and supportive. The survey indicated that workplace units have a trusting atmosphere and that work runs smoothly.  

We supported supervisors in many ways  

Based on the Leadership Pulse survey, supervisors feel they are well supported in their work. Their own supervisors and their teams play a major role in this. Supervisor passport coaching for new supervisors has been found to be a great help at the beginning of a supervisor’s development path and career.  

We provided mentoring and coaching to help supervisors in their work. Leadership coaching themes included management by coaching, financial expertise, and change and wellbeing management.  

Development discussions are part of HR management  

Discussions are good leadership and contribute to a positive employee experience. They support personal development at work and attainment of goals while contributing to workplace wellbeing and development of the workplace community.  

The incidence of development discussions was 57% and should be increased going forward so that we will be able to anticipate and cater to competence improvement needs and career advancement wishes in our HR plans.  Of those who had had a development discussion, 72% considered it to have been very useful or extremely useful.

Improvement in supervisor capabilities  

One of our strategic goals for 2023 was “Improvement of supervisor capabilities”. We strive to do this through structural changes in supervisor work and leadership and through the introduction of tools supporting division of duties.

There were numerous development efforts in profit areas and departments in 2023 to improve supervisor work. In respect of the improvement of supervisor capabilities, we monitored the completion of two measures: deployment of structural and division-of-duties tools for supervisors and revising the numbers of employees managed by supervisors to bring them down into line with recommendations. In these efforts, we were only partly successful.  


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