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Client fees

Fees charged from clients are determined according to the Act and Decree on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare.

We have sent some of our clients the same invoice twice

HUS has sent some clients invoices twice due to a technical error. If you have received two invoices from HUS that have the exact same content, please check the invoices and only pay one of them.

Read more about incorrect invoices

The fees charged from clients by HUS for appointments, remote appointments, treatment periods and medical certificates are determined in accordance with the Act and the Decree on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare. If you do not have a municipality of residence in Finland, see instructions below.

We also charge a fee for not attending a specialist medical care appointment, remote appointments, and diagnostic examination appointments. The fee will not be charged if there is an acceptable reason for not attending. Appointment cancellations must be made by noon on the previous day. You can find instructions on how to cancel an appointment in the instructions on how to arrive in the unit. 

We will send you an invoice afterwards, about two weeks after your treatment or appointment. We can send you the invoice by post, e-invoice or direct payment, depending on your choice. You can receive e-invoices, i.e. electronic invoices, by entering into an e-invoice agreement through your online banking service. The sender of the client fee invoice is HUS Group, and the subject is treatment invoices (“HUS-yhtymä, hoitolasku”).

You can start using direct payments by making a direct payment authorization at your local bank or through their customer service. Direct payment means that you authorize your bank to pay the invoice from your bank account on your behalf. An advance notice of the invoice will be mailed to you and your bank will debit the payment from your account on the due date.

Invoices are generally given a payment period of 3 weeks. If you do not pay your invoice by the due date, you will receive a reminder 2 weeks after the due date. If you do not pay your invoice by the due date, we will charge penalty interest according to the Interest Act as of the due date.

Act on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare
Decree on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare

Contact our client fee customer service if you need advice or more information or if there is something unclear about the invoice. 

HUS client invoicing customer service

Telephone: 09 4717 8550; open on weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon
Email address:
Postal address: HUS Financial Services, Asiakaslaskutus, P.O. Box 680, FI-00029 HUS.

For efficient service, please include your full name, date of birth, and current address when contacting us.

We record all phone calls for quality assurance and training purposes. 

Reminders for old client invoices

HUS has experienced delays in sending out payment reminders. We are now sending out payment reminders regarding patient invoices from 2022 and 2023 for which no payment reminder has been sent in the past. If the invoice is not paid by the due date, the matter will be given to a debt collection agency.

For more information on invoices and reminders, please contact the customer service for invoices. You can contact our customer service by emailing , and our phone line is open weekdays from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 noon, tel. 09 471 78550.

Client invoices can be paid in HUS restaurants

You can now pay your HUS client invoices at the restaurant counters in our hospitals. Below is a list of the restaurants where you can pay client invoices. 

To pay an invoice, you will need to have the paper invoice you’ve received. We cannot accept your payment without the invoice. Cashiers at the restaurants are not able to provide advice in matters related to invoicing. If you need advice, please call our patient invoicing customer service, open Mon–Fri 09:00–12:00, tel. 09 471 78550 or contact us by email at


Biomedicum, Haartmaninkatu 8
Espoo Hospital, restaurant Suolaheinä,  Karvasmäentie 6
Hyvinkää Hospital cafeteria, Sairaalankatu 1
Skin and Allergy Hospital, Meilahdentie 2
Jorvi Hospital, Karvasmäentie 8
Lohja Hospital, Sairaalantie 8
Meilahti Bridge Hospital, Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki
Ohkola Hospital, Ohkolantie 10
Peijas Hospital, Sairaalakatu 1 Vantaa
Porvoo Hospital, Sairaalantie 1 
Surgical Hospital, Kasarminkatu 11-13, Helsinki
Tullinpuomi, Topeliuksenkatu 32


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